Life isn’t always kind to you and your finances. It often seems that just as you start to feel good and have a few dollars to your name, that suddenly something breaks or an unexpected bill comes along that saps every last penny. The good news is that if you plan today for tomorrow, when the unexpected happens, it just happens–you can deal with it and move on.
Stress and Your Health
Living with financial woes day in and day out can cause you to endure excessive amounts of stress. When this happens, you may pick up bad habits like consuming alcohol or taking drugs as a way to escape reality. Unfortunately, masking the problem isn’t going to change the situation. It will only make it worse. Thankfully, if you do abuse drugs or alcohol or you develop a dependency, there are places that provide withdrawal management services to help you cope while trying to kick the habit.
What Is a Budget?
A budget stops the dead-end nightmare of living paycheck to paycheck by giving you a clear insight into your finances. In short, it identifies the exact amount of money you take home after taxes and what expenses you have to pay from those funds. It also helps you see what you spend your money on, allowing you to modify your spending habits.
Why You Need a Budget
Once you see where your money goes you can take steps to pay off your debt and reel in your spending. Having a budget will also give you insight into upcoming expenses, such as your annual property taxes, excise taxes, and important events so that you can plan your finances accordingly. It will also let you create a plan for the future which should include a savings account and an emergency fund for those unexpected expenses.
Ways to Pay Down Your Debt
If you’re drowning in debt, there are several ways to begin to pay it down and free up monies to enjoy a comfortable life. For instance, if you have a mortgage, and you have equity in your home, you can refinance the loan. The money you get from the refinance you can use to pay off a car, credit cards, and other loans you may have. If you don’t have equity in your home, you can still pay off your debt over time. A good place to start is your credit cards. You can take the one with the highest interest rate and then once you pay that one off, move onto the next one.
Maintain a Current Status
Chances are pretty good that if you currently live paycheck to paycheck you probably are unable to pay all of your bills on time. This will cause you to pay more due to accumulated interest and late fees. On top of that, if you fall thirty days or more behind on say a credit card or a car loan, your credit score suffers too. So if you need to purchase a new car or take out a personal loan, you’ll end up paying more. A budget will get you back on track by making you aware of upcoming expenses so that you remain current.
Get More Out of Life
With a budget in place, you can begin the process of freeing up money that ultimately becomes yours. You can experience, possibly, for the first time in your life, financial freedom. When you stick to a budget you allocate funds for everything including money set aside for a family vacation, school expenses, and your retirement.
Life doesn’t always go according to your plans. However, with a budget in place, you can reduce the stress and have money set aside so that when life happens you can take care of it without sacrificing your quality of life.